Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Knight Hoodie Pattern Review

So back in December I had another chance to test for Charming Doodle, she came up with this awesome pattern perfect for my boys.
Of course I signed up right away since I knew it would be a hit around here, you probably didn't know this yet but we are pretty Renaissance Fair crazy around here and love all things related to knights, swords, dragons... you get the idea.
Here is a pic of what I did for our last year's Halloween/Renaissance Fair costumes.
And yes people I did all the outfits you see in this picture, my family was pretty happy with every single outfit and I was... well a tired mom by the end.

So as you can see this hoodie had to be done no matter what.
I just want to say that I love easy to follow patterns and testing is a great way to help the designer figure out the little details or we get to suggest improvement which by the way is not that much, she is great and her pattern was just out of this world for me.  I ma not saying this just because, I mean it.
I had done a hoodie for my oldest previously and I had some left over sweatshirt material, it was great because I am all about saving money. I could not find the right color to match the gray sweatshirt material so I decided to use one of my husband's old sweatshirts and it was plenty to cover the main parts.
Over all I was happy with the results, this was my third attempt at up-cycling something and it turned out great and it was also funny to see the leftover piece of clothing after it had been cut into pieces.  My son who is 7 was over the moon excited to try it on and take to school so his friends could see it.
The buttons are what gives the special details to this hoodie, I wanted it to look fancy without looking too girly and  the contrast of the black and gray definitely helped me accomplish that. I am not an expert seamstress, I have been sewing for a long time but I still have lots to learn. I would say this pattern would be great for a beginner/medium sewer and will be able to follow the instructions with no problems. Plus the pattern comes with lots of picture to guide through the entire process.

 I had no time to print out some kind of pattern for the dragon so this was done freehand on the spot... not too bad for a last minute embellishment.  Hurry over to her page and get a special discount of $2.00 off with this special code  CraftyCorner.
Thanks for stopping by.


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Comfy Shorts Review

 A while back.... a very while back I was chosen to test another pattern for one of my favorite pattern designers out there The Sewing Geek.  Time has not been so kind to me hence the late post on this review.
I usually sew clothes for girls and every once in a while I till try something for my boys like ties, pajamas  or things like that.  When I saw that The Sewing Geek was going to come out with this pattern and I was super excited and got right to work looking through my stash of fabrics for something boy-ish enough to use. 
 The best thing about this pattern is that you have up to size 18 which is great because not many parents have that many options for sizes. Also it is a quick sew, it took me about 2 hours but if you are like me once you have done them you get quicker and better. 
My son absolutely loves them and said they were super comfy to wear. Now that I look at this particular picture I can notice my lovely flower pot in the corner.... way to go me!! 
Go check out her website it is brand new and it has lots of post about sewing and great tips for everyone but specially for beginner sewers!!

Happy sewing!!